Overall Champion 4407 N007 Clarilaw sold for £700
Mrs R J Claydon, Clarilaw with Judge Miss Helen Donald
Reserve Overall Champion sold for £1200 Street 2814 N011
Overall Champion and Reserve
Top Price Lot 817 sold for £1600 from T L Forster & Son, Lowes Fell
Lot 819 sold for £1000 from Lowes Fell
Female Champion from I S Fenwick, Fenwick Flock
Auctioneer Jack Walton
Judge Miss Helen Donald with Association President Carl Stephenson
Hexham Judging
Hexham Judging
Hexham Judging
Hexham Judging
Hexham Judging
Hexham Judging
Hexham Judging
Jack Walton and Trevor Simpson
Hexham Judging
Hexham Judging
Hexham Judging