Health Scheme & Performance

Health Scheme & Performance Recording
Performance Recording Getting started
Signet’s Sheepbreeder Service
Sheepbreeder is a performance recording service for sheep producers.
Through the analysis of pedigree and performance records a range of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and Breeding Indexes are generated to help sheep producers identify genetically superior rams and ewes.
What Do I Get From Performance Recording?
• Updated breeding reports providing EBVs for the entire flock
• Stationery on which to record pedigree and performance data
• Inclusion in listings of the top stock sires and ram lambs within the breed
• Access to ultrasound scanning services and for some breeds the use of CT scanning services.
• Entry to Signet recorded ram lamb classes at shows and sales
• Inclusion in regional directories of recorded flocks
• For the majority of Signet recorded breeds, performance and pedigree data hosted on the internet.
Signet EBVs are now available online
• Breeders can use the site to print off genetic information to promote their stock
• Commercial ram buyers and pedigree breeders are actively using this site to source rams.
Why Record Your Sheep
Potential ram buyers use Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) to identify rams with superior breeding potential.
EBVs provide a recognised way to add value to your sheep and improve your flock.
There are two main reasons to record with Signet:
1. Improve your marketing
• At sales – where there is an increasing commercial demand for EBVs
• From home – where EBVs can support the breeding claims of homebred rams
• Online – where rams and semen sales can be promoted using EBVs.
2. Improve your flock
• With an independent and accurate assessment of carcase traits
• With EBVs for traits of commercial and economic importance
• If you want to take your flock forward, add value to your breeding stock and promote your genetics, then start recording with Signet.
How Do I Start Recording?
It is easy to start recording your flock:
• Contact The Association for an application form by filling in the details on the contact form
• Obtain a copy of the Sheepbreeder fees and complete the contract based on the number of ewes in your flock
• Return your contract to Signet and we will send you the relevant paperwork to collect details of the stock rams and ewes in the flock.
For each breeding ewe and ram Signet needs to know their identity (ear number), sex, date of birth (year of birth if not known), breed, sire identity and dam identity.
Flocks that are joining later in the year should also submit lambing information for lambs that have already been born and eight week weights for these lambs.

Buying a Signet Recorded Bluefaced Leicester Ram
If you would like further information, please contact Helen via the Contact form