
Why Join
Bluefaced Leicester Sheep Breeders Association
The Association promote the breed nationally to keep the Bluefaced Leicester at the forefront as one of the leading sires to produce a mule when crossed with a hill ewe. As a member you will be part of this promotion.
Membership provides entitlement for breeders to enter official association sales held at numerous auctions across England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales. They can also enter Bluefaced Leicester Progeny Shows and breed classes at agricultural shows countrywide.
Members receive the following publications per year:
- A5 booklet in the Spring contains Office news, reports from female sales, forthcoming sale dates and details of Summer progeny show dates.
- Flock book containing pedigree details of lambs born the previous year.
- News from the Blues Magazine released December. Contains details of summer shows, ram sales, flock features and much more.
Members are invited to Regional Meetings twice per year where they can put forward any suggestions they may have.
Opportunity to Become a Member of Association Council:
Voting rights:
All paid up members may vote at Annual General Meetings.
Annual Membership:
Membership costs £50 per year. There is no additional joining fee. Members choose their own flock prefix and the Association Office allocate a membership number. Membership is due 1st January each year.

If you are interested in becoming a member or to request a new member application pack, please contact Helen via the Contact form