30th September 2020
The 33rd Annual sale of 280 Registered Bluefaced Leicesters was held at Welshpool Livestock Market on Wednesday 30th September, 2020 with a socially distant ring of buyers
The Sale was kindly supported by K L F Insurance Brokers Limited – Agricultural Insurance Specialists
Top price of the day was paid for an aged ram he was a substitute lot put forward for sale by Tudor Harris, Bonvilston this was one of his stock rams bred by Myrfyn Roberts, Myfyrian 1183/K008 he was sired by Street 2814/G002 out of a Myfyrian ewe 1183/B038 who was sired by Espley 4024/Z001. He was first prize aged ram at the 2019 Welsh progeny show, and he was sire of the first prize yearling ram in the NSA Sale at Builth Wells in 2019. He was cashed for 2,200gns to an undisclosed buyer.
Top price in the ram lamb section went to Mr & Mrs T J & L S R Griffiths, Tyhir this homebred lamb was sired by Kirkstead 2625/K003 he was Royal Welsh Show Champion for two years in a row, out of a Mendick ewe 2882/J039 and she was sired by Red Cottage 1510/D003. He was cashed for 1300gns and is joining the Underwood flock of Mrs Wendy Jones.
Phil May, Derwenlas sold the second highest price ram lamb 3822/N010 sired by Derwenlas 3822/L001 out of a homebred ewe Derwenlas 3822/L053 and she was sired by Kildalloig 3059/K011 and he was sold at 720gns
Top price shearling ram was for a homebred ram from the performance recorded flock of S A & R P Jones, Craig Yr Orsedd 3363/M023 he was sired by Logie Durno 4425/J001 out of a homebred ewe 3363/J055 and she was sired by homebred ram 3363/E025 he was sold for 850gns
The next highest price in the shearling ram section came from another performance recorded flock this time Phil Davies, Gornal this was a homebred ram 3543/M025 with an Index of 199 he was sired by Lower Down 891/L001 out of a homebred ewe 3543/K048 and she was sired by Craig Yr Orsedd 3363/J020
In the female section top price was 300gns for a shearling ewe from Elfyn Owen, Cernyw 1070/M045 she was sired by Towdypotts 4171/L010 out of a homebred ewe 1070/F071 sired by Howlea 4264/D003