12th September 2020
Sales Report for Ballinrobe Sale – 12th September, 2020
A super trade on the day saw 125 of the 126 Sheep forward Sale find new homes with a 99.9% clearance on the day
With the combination of the flying mule trade in 2020 and a great quality yard of blues on display from our Breeders the sale was always going to be a success with buyers focusing on quality good coloured Sheep with good skins.
Top price on the day went to a ram lamb with popeye blood from Sean Murphy selling for €1920, Champion was a ram lamb from Maskview selling at €1620 and top price in the Shearling also came from Maskview selling for €1600. 1st prize ewe lamb on the day was a quality ewe lamb from Woodview selling for €860.
Ram lambs 70 sold to avg €790
Shearlings 36 sold to avg €810
Females 20 sold to avg €500
We would like to thank our judge on the day Eammon Harkin, Moneygran.
Thanks to all buyers and bidders and best of luck with stock purchased